DeDoelen IRS Impulse Responses for Altiverb 7

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De Doelen 是荷兰第二大音乐厅,无论是音质还是每年的参观人数。著名声学家 Leo Beranek 在采 […]



De Doelen 是荷兰第二大音乐厅,无论是音质还是每年的参观人数。著名声学家 Leo Beranek 在采访音乐家、音乐评论家和指挥家时考察了许多音乐厅。他写了关于 Doelen 的文章:“这个房间里没有回声。 Doelen 的音响效果受到来访指挥家和音乐家的称赞,因为舞台和内厅的声音非常出色。”里奥·贝拉内克。 De Doelen 的一个不同寻常的方面是整个大厅都使用大理石。
De Doelen is the number two concert hall of The Netherlands, both in acoustic quality and in amount of visitors per year. Famous acoustician Leo Beranek surveyed many halls in interviews with musicans, music critics and conductors. He wrote about the Doelen: “There are no echoes in this room. The acoustics of the Doelen have been praised by visiting conductors and musicians because the sound on stage and the inner hall is excellent.” Leo Beranek. An unusual aspect of De Doelen is the use of marble throughout the hall.
