EWQL Spaces Impulse Response Library

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QUANTUM LEAP SPACES 是 24 位的真正立体声。卷积混响通过利用过去七年开发的新脉冲录音技术 […]



QUANTUM LEAP SPACES 是 24 位的真正立体声。卷积混响通过利用过去七年开发的新脉冲录音技术设定了新标准。 Fairchild、M??anley、Meitner、Neumann、Neve、Sennheiser、Sony、Telefunken、TG(仅举几例)在过去 60 年中生产的最好的设备库被用于创建 QUANTUM LEAP SPACES。 ATC 监视器放置在房间/大厅中,以模拟各种乐器的真实世界声音投射特性。因此,通过从舞台的中部到左后方、向后并略微朝向地板发出扫音,从而产生了法国圆号的冲动。第一小提琴部分的脉冲是通过以一定角度向天花板发射一系列扬声器来获取的,就像一个真实的部分一样。第五个降低了高端的扬声器被朝地板发射,以模仿小提琴的琴身。同样的方法被用于在不同的洛杉矶工作室录制摇滚乐器的混响。正因为如此,QUANTUM LEAP SPACES 中的混??响在早期反射和房间声音之间取得了奇妙的平衡,真正将干燥的乐器吸引到空间中,而不是通常的“声音加混响”结果。
QUANTUM LEAP SPACES is a 24-bit, true stereo. convolution reverb that sets a new standard by utilizing new impulse recording techniques developed over the past seven years. An arsenal of the best gear that Fairchild, Manley, Meitner, Neumann, Neve, Sennheiser, Sony, Telefunken, TG (to name a few) have produced over the past 60 years was used to create QUANTUM LEAP SPACES. ATC monitors were positioned in the room/hall to emulate the real world sound projection properties of various instruments. So an impulse taken for a French horn was created by firing the sweep tones from the middle to left rear of the stage, backwards and slightly towards the floor. 1st violin section impulses were taken by firing a series of speakers at an angle towards the ceiling, just like a real section. A fifth speaker with the high end reduced was fired towards the floor to emulate the body of the violins. This same methodology was used to record reverbs for rock instruments in various LA studios. Because of this, the reverbs in QUANTUM LEAP SPACES have a fantastic balance of early reflections and room sound that really draws a dry instrument into the space, rather than the usual “sound plus reverb” result.
