Spirit Canyon Audio Sanitarium IR WAV-DELiRiUM

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Spirit Canyon Audio 自豪地宣布推出 Sanitarium,这是一个黑暗和扭曲的脉冲响应库, […]



Spirit Canyon Audio 自豪地宣布推出 Sanitarium,这是一个黑暗和扭曲的脉冲响应库,面向更具侵略性和异国情调的电子音乐形式。 Sanitarium 是第一个以精神峡谷为主题的音频库,旨在创造黑暗的纹理、深沉的环境背景和刺耳的混响。 Sanitarium 带领用户参观一个奇怪的、有点险恶的 20 世纪早期为精神障碍者提供的庇护所,提供广泛的冲动反应来捕捉这样一个机构的各个方面。 Sanitarium 库中的脉冲响应可以实现许多不同的效果,并且几乎可以用于任何声音,以创建深沉、黑暗的无人机、刺耳的节奏混响和许多其他效果。所有的脉冲响应都是全 24 位分辨率。
Spirit Canyon Audio is proud to announce Sanitarium, a library of dark and twisted impulse responses geared towards more aggressive and exotic forms of electronic music. Sanitarium is the first themed Spirit Canyon Audio library and is aimed at creating dark textures, deep ambient backgrounds and harsh reverberations. Sanitarium takes the user on a tour through a strange, and somewhat sinister, early 20th century asylum for the mentally impaired, providing a wide range of impulse responses to capture various aspects of such an establishment. The impulse responses in the Sanitarium library can achieve many varied effects and can be used on virtually any sound to create deep, dark drones, harsh rhythmic reverb, and many other effects. All of the impulses responses are in full 24-bit resolution.
