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我们的 UAD Vocal Sauce 是我们最温暖、最强大的人声链预设,它将整个混音模板的功能简化为与所有 […]



我们的 UAD Vocal Sauce 是我们最温暖、最强大的人声链预设,它将整个混音模板的功能简化为与所有 DAW 兼容的简单 8 旋钮用户界面。 UAD Vocal Sauce 由从 UAD 目录中收集的最好的人声插件制成,但如果您只使用库存插件,您可以使用仅由 100% 库存 UAD 插件制成的包含的第二个预设。此预设还包括 UAD 控制台应用程序的预设,可在您录制时为您的耳机混音增色不少!您必须拥有以下 UAD 产品才能使用此预设:
1 具有 4 个或更多 UAD DSP 内核的通用音频 Apollo 或 Satellite 硬件。 (如果您使用逻辑或专业工具会话并将音轨冻结合并到您的工作流程中,2 个核心就足够了) ?UAD Vocal Sauce 所需的 UAD 插件
?EMT 250 板式混响
?Manley VoxBox
?1176 修订版 A
?LA-2A 银
?Korg SDD 3000
?Cooper Time Cube ?UAD Vocal Sauce Stock 所需的UAD 插件
?Pultec EQP1A Legacy
?1176 LN 传统
?LA-2A 遗产
?RealVerb Pro
?Ableton 10
?FL Studio 20
?Logic Pro X
?Pro Tools 2019.5
Our UAD Vocal Sauce is our warmest and most powerful vocal chain preset that simplifies the power of an entire mixing template into a simple 8-knob user interface that is compatible with all DAWs. UAD Vocal Sauce is made of the best vocal plugins harvested from UAD catalog, but if you only use the stock plugins, you can use the included 2nd preset made of 100% stock UAD plugins only. This preset also includes a preset for the UAD Console App to sauce up your headphone mix while you record!

You must own the following UAD products to use this preset:
1 Universal Audio Apollo or Satellite hardware with 4 or more cores of UAD DSP. (2 cores will suffice if you use the logic or pro tools sessions and incorporate track freezing into your workflow)

?UAD Plugins needed for UAD Vocal Sauce
?Cambridge EQ
?EMT 250 Plate Reverb
?Pultec EQP1A
?Manley VoxBox
?1176 Rev A
?LA-2A Silver
?Korg SDD 3000
?Cooper Time Cube

?UAD Plugins needed for UAD Vocal Sauce Stock
?Precision Channel
?Pultec EQP1A Legacy
?1176 LN Legacy
?LA-2A Legacy
?RealVerb Pro
?Precision Delay Mod
?Precision Reflection Engine
?Raw Distortion

Compatible With:
?Ableton 10
?FL Studio 20
?Logic Pro X
?Pro Tools 2019.5
?BlueCat’s Patchwork

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