VH-VX-Thirty Double Cab Pack IRs

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我们自豪地展示我们新的双功能<strong>红外驾驶室包</strong>,基于对&l […]



我们自豪地展示我们新的双功能<strong>红外驾驶室包</strong>,基于对<strong>Vox? JMI AC-30/6 Treble Model 1962</strong>和<strong>的测量Vox? AC30/6 TB 1995</strong>。描述那些传奇的放大器可能会导致言语失败。如果说来自 Queen、Beatles、Status Quo 或 The Edge von U2 的 Brian May,AC30 一直是摇滚音乐史上的“THE”放大器之一。两个选定的珠宝有不同的扬声器:1962er 的型号,由瑞士音乐家 Martin Pfiffner 所有,装有 Alnico Celestion? G12 / Blue Bulldogs(从 1962 年到 63 年使用)和 1995 TB 型号(由来自柏林的 Jürgen Potscher)拥有 Vox? Alnico BLUE 扬声器。每个文件夹都包含 RAW 和 MP 波形
With pride we present our new double-feature IR-cab pack, based on the measurement of a Vox? JMI AC-30/6 Treble Model 1962 and a Vox? AC30/6 TB 1995. Words may fail by describing those legendary amps. If Brian May from Queen, the Beatles, Status Quo or The Edge von U2, the AC30 has always been one of “THE” amps in Rock music history. The two selected jewels have different speakers: The model from 1962er , which is owned by the swiss musician Martin Pfiffner, is loaded with Alnico Celestion? G12 / Blue Bulldogs (used from 1962 until 63) , and the 1995 TB-model (owned by Jürgen Potscher from Berlin) has Vox? Alnico BLUE speakers. Each folder containing RAW and MP waves

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