VX30 212 BLUE Cab Pack IR

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VX30 212 BLUE 驾驶室套件基于 Vox? AC30/6 TB,装有 1994 年的原装 Celes […]



VX30 212 BLUE 驾驶室套件基于 Vox? AC30/6 TB,装有 1994 年的原装 Celestion? Alnico Blue 扬声器。这是我在 Paramore 巡回演出时使用的个人放大器,我很高兴能提供忠实的脉冲响应我最喜欢的放大器。虽然红色外观很少见(世界上只有 36 个),但这款放大器的音色始终是经典的 Vox?。音色出人意料地温暖,带有郁郁葱葱的中低音和恰到好处的标志性“箱体”,这些放大器众所周知。即使是配备单线圈拾音器的吉他,其高频也能清晰地发出声音而不会磨损。这个包在 13 个麦克风之间提供 134 个单麦克风捕获以及 16 个 York Audio 著名的多麦克风混音。此包中还包括两个自定义签名组??合。 Mix BMAY 旨在复制世界上最“皇家”演奏家之一的音色,而 Mix EDGY 旨在复制“YOU TOO”会喜欢演奏的音色。 这款 cab 擅长各种风格,例如 jangly Brit Pop、Ambient P&W、twangy Country、坚韧的 Indie Rock,以及我们多年来熟悉和喜爱的众多经典声音。
VX30 212 BLUE Cab Pack is based on a Vox? AC30/6 TB loaded with the original Celestion? Alnico Blue speakers from 1994. This was my personal amp I used on tour with Paramore and I’m thrilled to offer faithful impulse responses of one of my favorite amps. While the red exterior is rare (only 36 in the world), the tone of this amp is classic Vox? all the way. The tone is surprisingly warm with lush low-mids and just the right amount of the signature “boxiness” these amps are known for. The top end chimes with great clarity without being abrasive even with single coil pickup equipped guitars. This pack offers 134 single mic captures between 13 mics along with 16 of York Audio’s famous multi-mic mixes. Also included in this pack are two custom signature mixes. Mix BMAY was designed to replicate tones from one of the world’s most “royal” players, and Mix EDGY was designed to replicate tones that “YOU TOO” will enjoy playing.  This cab excells at a broad range of styles such as jangly Brit Pop, ambient P&W, twangy Country, gritty Indie Rock, and a multitude of classic sounds we’ve come to know and love over the years.

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