Dissolution for Dune 2-MAGNETRiXX

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<span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a style=" 的 75 个 Pads、Sequences、Arps 以及 27 个独特的波表的集合颜色:#ff0000;文字装饰:下划线;" href="https://www.magesy.blog/?s=Dune+2+v2" target="_blank">Dune 2 虚拟合成器</a></span></strong></span>。所有预设都充分利用了触后和调制轮进行动态播放,另外一些预设还使用音高轮进行进一步操作。正如在 MP3 演示中所听到的那样,预设往往很复杂,具有足够的范围和运动,充分利用了 Dune 2 的多层特性。
A collection of 75 Pads, Sequences, Arps as well as 27 unique Wavetables for the Dune 2 Virtual Synthesizer. All presets make good use of Aftertouch and the Modulation wheel for dynamic playing and additionally some presets also use the Pitch Wheel for further manipulation. As can be heard in the MP3 demos, the presets tended to be complex with plenty of scope and movement taking full advantage of the multilayer nature of Dune 2.
