Incarnation Part I For DUNE 3

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Incarnation – 这是我们使用 Dune 3 合成器的下一个体面作品。我们充分利用了乐器的精华,为您 […]



Incarnation – 这是我们使用 Dune 3 合成器的下一个体面作品。我们充分利用了乐器的精华,为您创造了独特的鼓舞人心的声音。每一种声音,就像整个画面的一个粒子,就像艺术家画笔上的颜料,将完美地贴合您的创意音乐画布,并让您创作出充满迷人氛围声音的难以想象的作品。如果您是大气音乐流派的粉丝和创作者,那么 Incarnation 是您在作品中经常使用的产品。它拥有让您的音乐作品完美无瑕所需的一切。
Incarnation – This is our next decent work with the Dune 3 synthesizer. We’ve taken the very best out of the instrument to create unique inspirational sounds for you. Each sound, like a particle of the overall picture, like paint on an artist’s brush, will perfectly fit on your creative music canvas and will allow you to create unimaginable compositions filled with enchanting atmospheric sounds. If you are a fan and creator of atmospheric music genres, Incarnation is a product that you will use very often in your compositions. It has everything you need to keep your music compositions flawless.
