Angelicals v1.1 ALP-SYNTHiC4TE

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Angelicals 是一组用于 Ableton 模拟合成器的 100 多个预设,由作曲家/声音设计师 And […]



Angelicals 是一组用于 Ableton 模拟合成器的 100 多个预设,由作曲家/声音设计师 André Ettema 编程。 Vangelis 和 Jean-Michel Jarre 等进步的电子先驱为这组复古未来主义声音提供了灵感。 101 个预设,分为琶音、贝司、效果器、主音、循环、垫子和合成器类别,提供您需要的一切,让您深入到科幻和惊悚声音的戏剧张力和神秘领域。
Angelicals is a set of over 100 presets for Ableton’s Analog synthesizer, programmed by composer/sound designer André Ettema. Progressive electronic pioneers such as Vangelis and Jean-Michel Jarre provided the inspiration for this collection of retro-futuristic sounds. The 101 presets, divided into Arpeggios, Bass, Effects, Leads, Loops, Pads, and Synth categories, provide everything you need to dive right into the dramatic tension and enigmatic realms of sci-fi and thriller sounds.
