Bengal v1.5 MAX For LiVE ALP-SYNTHiC4TE

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将 FM 的复杂纹理与模块化系统的自由形式方法相结合,Bengal 是声音设计师的梦想,它拥有四个操作员、八种 […]



将 FM 的复杂纹理与模块化系统的自由形式方法相结合,Bengal 是声音设计师的梦想,它拥有四个操作员、八种复音、六种音频效果和以交互式虚拟接线盒为中心的灵活调制架构。 <strong>半模块化和复音:</strong>Bengal 是一种半模块化合成器,这意味着尽管它的组件模块(操作符、过滤器等)都是固定的,但它们可以以多种配置组合在一起底部的巨大补丁面板。通过在它们之间拖动虚拟跳线将方形输出插座连接到圆形输入插座 – 这再简单不过了。孟加拉语也是八声复音,所以它就像在家里爆发出巨大的和弦一样,因为它是一根手指的低音线。
Combining the textural intricacy of FM with the freeform approach of a modular system, Bengal is a sound designer’s dream with its four operators, eight voices of polyphony, six audio effects and a flexible modulation architecture centred on an interactive virtual patchbay. Semi-modular and polyphonic: Bengal is a semi-modular synth, meaning that although its component modules (operators, filters, etc) are all fixed, they can be patched together in a huge range of configurations in the giant Patch panel at the bottom. Connect square output sockets to round input sockets by dragging virtual patchcords between them – it couldn’t be easier. Bengal is also eight-voice polyphonic, so it’s just as at home blasting out huge chords as it is one-finger basslines.
