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Binaries 是从 90ies ISA 声卡捕获的 FM 声音的集合。当时几乎所有的声卡都包含一个 OPL […]



Binaries 是从 90ies ISA 声卡捕获的 FM 声音的集合。当时几乎所有的声卡都包含一个 OPL3 芯片,该芯片能够从 8 种不同的波形和几种复杂的算法产生 4-Operator FM 声音。根据这些 becnhmarks Binaries 提供了一系列令人惊叹的经典 FM 补丁,如 Rhodes、Clavinet、Bells 和 Basses,但也提供了几个非分类的声音设计补丁。音色库中的每个 Patch 都由多个力度层组成,可以重现当时在数百个电脑游戏中听到的真实声音。从音板嘈杂的 16 位输出中采样,所有声音都引入了原始 FM 清晰度和尘土飞扬的数模转换的独特混合。
Binaries is a collection of FM sounds that where captured from a 90ies ISA soundcard. Almost every soundcard of this time contained an OPL3 chip that was capable of producing 4-Operator FM sounds from 8 different waveforms and several tricky algorithms. According to these becnhmarks Binaries delivers a stunning collection of classical FM patches like Rhodes, Clavinet, Bells and Basses but also delivers several non-classified sound design patches. Each patch in the library is made of several velocity layers that reproduce the authentic sound of this time as it was heard in hundreds of computer games. Sampled from the soundboard′s noisy 16bit output all sounds introduce an unique mixture of pristine FM clarity and dusty digital to analog conversion.
