Dope Matrix MOD SQUAD 是 20 个用于 Ableton 和 Max for Live 的神秘模块化设备的集合。该包包括受欧洲机架启发的模拟和数字振荡器、精品效果商场、可映射调制器和控制矩阵音序器,用于通过 Push 和 Launchpad 网格进行手动控制。 Dope Matrix MOD SQUAD 包括完全重新设计的模块化模拟和波表振荡器;每个都有自己的专用滤波器、包络、FM 和 LFO。合成器阵容的新成员包括锂反馈合成器和 Freak Mod FM 随机发生器。 Dope Matrix MOD SQUAD 带有大量的精品模块化效果,从调制桶延迟和共振混响到抖动失真和故障声音处理器。将它们链接在一起以创建超维音景。
Dope Matrix MOD SQUAD is a collection of 20 enigmatic modular devices for Ableton and Max for Live. The pack includes euro-rack inspired analog & digital oscillators, an emporium of boutique effects, mappable modulators and a Control Matrix Sequencer for hands-on control via the Push and Launchpad grid. Dope Matrix MOD SQUAD includes completely reimagined modular analog and wavetable oscillators; each with its own dedicated filters, envelopes, FM and LFOs. New additions to the synth lineup include the Lithium feedback synth and Freak Mod FM randomizer. Dope Matrix MOD SQUAD comes with a plethora of boutique modular effects, ranging from modulated bucket delays and resonating reverbs to thrashing distortions and glitchy sound manglers. Chain them together to create hyper-dimensional soundscapes.