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Patter v1.1 for Ableton Live v9.7.1 ALP-SYNTHiC4TE

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掌握 Patter,这是一种用于 Max for Live 的创意 <strong>MIDI 效果 […]



掌握 Patter,这是一种用于 Max for Live 的创意 <strong>MIDI 效果</strong>,它可以创造出真正令人惊讶的音乐创意。它能够生成独特的节奏和旋律,以及对随机元素的灵巧控制,使其成为那些寻求灵感和实验的人的激动人心的工具。&nbsp; Patter 可以帮助您创建用于任何合成器或鼓机的狂野和实验性 MIDI 模式。它是一个高度灵活的工具,可以单独用于音乐灵感和即兴创作,也可以链接在一起以实现真正自由流动的创造力。由于它内置在 Max For Live 中,因此每个参数都可以映射到 MIDI 硬件以进行手动控制。
Get to grips with Patter, a creative MIDI effect for Max for Live that creates truly surprising musical ideas. Its ability to generate unique rhythms and melodies, and deft control over randomization elements make it an exciting tool for those looking for inspiration and experimentation.  Patter can help you create wild and experimental MIDI patterns for use with any synth or drum machine. It’s a highly flexible tool that can be used alone for musical inspiration and improvisation, or chained together for real free-flowing creativity. And since it’s built in Max For Live, every parameter can be mapped to MIDI hardware for hands-on control.
