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  • Polyphylla v1.2 for Ableton Live v9.7.1 ALP-SYNTHiC4TE

Polyphylla v1.2 for Ableton Live v9.7.1 ALP-SYNTHiC4TE

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Polyphylla 是一种新的 Max For Live 乐器,它使加法合成变得容易且有趣。针对电子音乐制作 […]



Polyphylla 是一种新的 Max For Live 乐器,它使加法合成变得容易且有趣。针对电子音乐制作人以及实验作曲家、音乐教育者和制作新手,您将在几分钟内掌握它,并在未来几年用它发出令人惊叹的声音。 Polyphylla 将复杂的底层架构简化为大约 50 个可编辑参数的简明集合,并以干净、清晰的界面组织起来,Polyphylla 优先考虑可接近性和易用性,同时不牺牲结果的深度或质量。合成器的核心是一个灵活的 120 部分加法振荡器,耦合到一个模拟式噪声发生器,每个都有自己的多模滤波器。该振荡器提供了三种生成和编辑基本谐波频谱的方法:简单的模拟波形仿真、旋钮驱动的随机微调和 32 个部分组的详细图形控制。与此同时,噪音发生器可以被过度驱动以获得额外的沙砾。
Polyphylla is a new Max For Live instrument that makes additive synthesis accessible and fun. Aimed at electronic music producers as well as experimental composers, music educators and production novices, you’ll master it in minutes but make amazing sounds with it for years to come. Boiling a complex under-the-hood architecture down to a concise set of around 50 editable parameters, organised in a clean, clear interface, Polyphylla prioritises approachability and ease of use, without sacrificing depth or quality of results. At the heart of the synth is a flexible 120-partial additive oscillator coupled to an analogue-style noise generator, each with its own multimode filter. The oscillator offers three methods by which to generate and edit a base harmonic spectrum: simple analogue waveform emulation, knob-driven stochastic microtuning, and detailed graphical control of 32 partial groups. The noise generator, meanwhile, can be overdriven for extra grit.
