Singularities v1.0 for Ableton 10

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Singularities 利用单个样本和经过微调的、富有表现力的参数来捕捉经典合成器和采样器的声音和感觉。包 […]



Singularities 利用单个样本和经过微调的、富有表现力的参数来捕捉经典合成器和采样器的声音和感觉。包括 40 个乐器架,以及 MIDI 剪辑和架子鼓——完整音轨所需的所有部件。 The Pack 是 Ableton 的首席声音设计师 Huston Singletary 的一个项目,他是 Live 10 中许多可调整乐器、剪辑和其他声音背后的大脑。他同样关注细节,使 Singularities 成为既符合音乐美学的东西并且容易延展。
Singularities makes use of single samples and finely tuned, expressive parameters to capture the sound and feel of classic synths and samplers. Included are 40 Instrument Racks, plus MIDI clips and drum kits – all the parts you need for a complete track. The Pack is a project of Ableton’s lead sound designer, Huston Singletary, the brain behind a lot of the tweakable instruments, clips and other sounds in Live 10. He put the same attention to detail into making Singularities something that’s both true to a musical aesthetic and easily malleable.
