Ableton Live 可以将您的崇拜钥匙装备提升到一个新的水平,但很难找到好的声音、编程正确的控件并获得可靠的结果。使用 Sunday Keys,您可以最大化甚至超越 Ableton Live 的功能,包括超过 155 种自定义采样崇拜声音、35 多种可随时播放的崇拜补丁、易于理解的视觉布局和改变游戏规则的功能,如内置的 Tonic Pad 播放器和简单的补丁构建。不再浪费时间筛选数千个库存预设,只是为了找到一些对敬拜音乐真正有意义的。使用令人生畏的布局让您和您的志愿者感到不知所措,而不是让您和您的志愿者感到头疼。
Ableton Live can take your worship keys rig to the next level, but it’s really hard to find good sounds, program the right controls, and get reliable results. With Sunday Keys you can maximize and even go beyond what Ableton Live can do with over 155 custom sampled worship sounds, 35+ ready to play worship patches, an easy to understand visual layout and game-changing features like the built-in Tonic Pad Player and easy patch building. No more wasted hours spent sifting through thousands of stock presets just to find a handful that actually make sense for worship music. No more headaches using intimidating layouts that overwhelm rather than empower you and your volunteers.