Tubular Bells v9.1 ALP-SYNTHiC4TE

20707 浏览

本系列中采样的管状铃来自 20 世纪初的 18 音符老式 Leedy & Ludwig 乐器 (C4- […]



本系列中采样的管状铃来自 20 世纪初的 18 音符老式 Leedy & Ludwig 乐器 (C4-F5),因其声音的纯度和清晰度以及持续音符的出色持续时间而著称。管钟最初是为了在传统管弦乐队中重现教堂钟声而创建的。从 19 世纪中叶开始,该乐器演变成一套由黄铜制成的半音管。由于管子的共振比基音(敲击的音符)低一个八度,因此这些管状钟从 C3 映射到 F4,最低和最高音符在各自的范围内扩展。
The tubular bells sampled in this collection are from an 18 note vintage Leedy & Ludwig instrument (C4-F5) from the beginning of the 20th century, remarkable for the purity and clarity of its sounds and for the exceptional duration of its sustained notes. Tubular bells were originally created with the aim of reproducing a church bell sound within the traditional orchestra. From the middle of the 19th century, the instrument evolved into a set of chromatically tuned tubes made of brass. Since the resonance of a tube is one octave below the fundamental (the struck note), these tubular bells were mapped from C3 to F4 with lowest and highest notes extended in their respective range.
