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Voice Box v1.2 For Ableton Live 11 ALP-FLARE

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Voice Box 邀请您在人声方面发挥创造力。这个包包含来自多种声音的现代人声样本的综合集合、一组可演奏的人 […]



Voice Box 邀请您在人声方面发挥创造力。这个包包含来自多种声音的现代人声样本的综合集合、一组可演奏的人声乐器和专为人声处理而设计的效果架。人声是最原始的乐器,通过采样和音频处理,我们可以以更具创造性的方式使用它——从切碎和重调的钩子到不人道的琶音和实验性的故障和抖动。 Voice Box 包含人声和转换它们的方法。
Voice Box invites you to get inventive with vocals. This Pack features a comprehensive collection of contemporary vocal samples from multiple voices, a set of playable vocal instruments, and Effect Racks designed for vocal processing. The human voice is the original musical instrument, and through sampling and audio processing we can use it in even more creative ways – from chopped and repitched hooks to inhuman arpeggios and experimental glitches and jitters. Voice Box contains both the vocals and the means to transform them.
