Confessions Revolution 是一个 SoundBank/Sample Pack,它带来了面向 Ultimate G-House 的制作工具,可帮助您进入该流派或为您在该领域提供额外的优势,然后无需再观望。 Soundbanks 只需单击鼠标即可放置驱动低音线、神秘垫、黑帮拨弦和摆动,以获得您一直想要的声音。 Confessions Revolutions 通过 Sylenth1 Soundbank、Ableton/FL Studio Project Files、样本包和人声包来捕捉 G-House 的声音。
Confessions Revolution is a SoundBank/Sample Pack that brings the Ultimate G-House oriented production tool to help you get into the genre or give you an extra edge in the field then look no further. The Soundbanks will put driving Basslines, mystical pads, gangster plucks, and wobbles at the click of a mouse to get you the sound you’ve always wanted. Confessions Revolutions captures the sound of G-House through a Sylenth1 Soundbank, Ableton/FL Studio Project Files, sample pack, and a vocal pack.