Fury Dubstep Project File ALS LOGiC FLP

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如果您是 Dubstep 制作人,您就会知道声音设计和混音是多么令人沮丧和具有挑战性。您不仅需要对敲击鼓进行编 […]



如果您是 Dubstep 制作人,您就会知道声音设计和混音是多么令人沮丧和具有挑战性。您不仅需要对敲击鼓进行编程,而且还必须确保您使用的贝司和合成器是复杂和创新的。这些是一些最难掌握的制作元素,即使对于专业人士也是如此。这正是我们创建“Shooter”项目文件的原因。我们推动我们的专业制作团队创建了一个与 Skrillex 或 Zomboy 音轨相当的 Dubstep 项目文件。
If you’re a Dubstep producer, you know just how frustrating and challenging Sound Design and Mixing can be. Not only do you have to program hard knocking Drums, but you also have to make sure the Basses and Synths you use are complex and innovative. These are some of the hardest production elements to master, even for the pros. That’s exactly why we created the “Shooter” Project File. We pushed our team of professional producers to create a Dubstep project file that is on par with a Skrillex or Zomboy track.
