Psy Trance 模板“我看到你”。这是完整的曲目,它将带您进入蘑菇和酸声的神奇之地。我尽我所能通过有趣的声音设计和混音技术使这种混音干净而专业。在这个项目中,还包括完整的母带制作人声是由我录制和处理的。该模板 100% 免版税,您可以在未来的项目中使用任何元素;样本、预设、混音、母带、编曲等均可免费使用。我尽力保持设计干净;每个通道都有自己的颜色和名称。合成预设名称与通道等相同。此外,我将每个预设和 MIDI 文件添加到单独的文件夹中。该项目使用最少的 CPU。
Psy Trance template “I See You”. This is the full track which will take you to the magical land of mushrooms and acid sounds. I did my best to make this mix clean and professional with interesting sounds design and mixing techniques. Also in this project full Mastering is included Vocals were recorded and processed by me. This template is 100% royalty-free and you can use any element in your future projects; Samples, Presets, Mixing, Mastering, arrangement etc are free to use. I did my best to keep the design clean; Every channel has own color & name. Synth presets name is same as channel etc. Also, I add every presets and midi file to separate folder. This project uses the minimum of your CPU.