100% 免版税样本包,适用于所有原始模拟节拍爱好者,这些节拍定义了地下和现代简约房屋的声音。这个样本包旨在捕捉这种类型的原始纹理和有机感觉,主要是通过使用硬件和老式设备来实现的。此包中的循环可以长时间运行,无需任何烟火、简单和疲惫的效果,以保证您未来的作品具有永恒的感觉。如果您正在寻找新的想法来开始曲目,添加一些故障声音设计,有机鼓,或为您的项目寻找主音,这就是您的样本包:)
100% royalty-free sample pack for all fans of raw analogue beats that defined the sound of underground and modern minimal house. This sample pack is aimed at capturing the raw textures and organic feel of this genre mostly achieved by the use of hardware and vintage equipment. The loops present in this pack can run for a long time without any pyrotechnics, easy & tired effects to guarantee a timeless feel to your future productions. If you are looking for new ideas to start a track, add some glitched sound design, organic drums, or find a lead sound for your project, this is your sample pack 🙂