Progressive House and EDM Vol 2 为您带来四首大型曲目:混合曲目、母带曲目和俱乐部就绪曲目!每个元素都是独立可用的,使您能够以迄今为止不可能的方式进行混合。在坚如磐石的 BPM 128 中,您有 4 条完整的音轨需要重做——您可以确保在下次放下炸弹时设定节奏!魔方还包括 STEM 文件,用于 Traktor 2。STEMS 是一种开放式多轨音频,可增强 DJ、制作人和现场表演者的创作可能性。 STEM 格式提供了与曲目的音乐元素自由交互的能力——每个“Stem”都可以独立控制,以创建即时的新混音、混搭、乐器等。
Progressive House and EDM Vol 2 brings you FOUR massive tracks: mixed, mastered and club-ready! Each element is available independently, enabling you to mix in ways that weren’t possible until now. At a rock solid BPM 128, you have FOUR full tracks to rework – you can be sure of setting the pace next time you drop the bomb! The magic formula also includes STEM files, for use with Traktor 2. STEMS is an open multi-track audio, which enhances creative possibilities for DJs, producers, and live performers. The STEM format provides the ability to freely interact with a track’s musical elements – each ‘Stem’ can be controlled independently to create instant new mixes, mashups, instrumentals and more.