“Dreaming Diva”的后续版本带来了 88 个音色丰富的音色,非常适合所有类型的复古音乐。包中不仅包含声音,还包含 3 个用于 FL Studio、Cubase 7.5 或更高版本以及 Ableton Live 8.4 或更高版本的演示项目。除此之外,豪华版还包括仅使用此包中的声音创建的 5 首曲目 EP “RetroGlow”。
The follow up to ‘Dreaming Diva’ brings with it 88 patches that are rich in sound and ideally suited for all genres of retro music. Not only are the sounds included in the pack, but 3 demo projects for FL Studio, Cubase 7.5 or higher and Ableton Live 8.4 or higher. As well as all that, the Deluxe edition includes the 5 track EP ‘RetroGlow’ that was created using only sounds from this pack.