Structure Techno Kicks SAMPLES

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“Compact 系列:Structure Techno Kicks”具有 301 个经过重度加工的底鼓和两个 […]



“Compact 系列:Structure Techno Kicks”具有 301 个经过重度加工的底鼓和两个 Ableton Live 机架。种类繁多的底鼓,从强烈和沉重的瞬态,模拟温暖到尖锐的失真,所有杀手都没有填充物。总共 240 个一次性底鼓、61 种用于分层您自己的底鼓声音的工具和一个包含预设的 Ableton Live Set 以使用更简单和采样器设计底鼓。 “Compact Series: Structure Techno Kicks”是使用 Ableton Live、Mixbus、Elektron Analog Four & Rythm 以及 4ms、Make Noise、Doepfer、Pittsburgh Modular、Ladik、RYO、Frequency Central 和 Ginko Synthese 等模块制作的。模块化踢腿是使用 Cortech 的个人模块化系统从头开始制作的。 Distorted Kicks,拥有模拟和数字处理链。 FM kicks 是通过 FM 合成以数字方式创建的。尖锐和沉重的瞬变也适用于分层底鼓。处理过的底鼓是用模拟和数字饱和度制作的,最后,包括分层工具箱、低音、中音和瞬态工具来设计您自己的底鼓声音。
‘Compact Series: Structure Techno Kicks’ features 301 heavy-processed kick drums and two Ableton Live racks. Huge variety of kicks, from intense & heavy transients, analogue warmth to sharp distortion, all killer no filler. Totaling 240 one-shot kicks, 61 tools to layer your own kick drum sounds and an Ableton Live Set containing presets to design kick drums with simpler and sampler. ‘Compact Series: Structure Techno Kicks’ has been produced by using Ableton Live, Mixbus, Elektron Analog Four & Rythm as well as modules such as 4ms, Make Noise, Doepfer, Pittsburgh Modular, Ladik, RYO, Frequency Central and Ginko Synthese. Modular kicks were produced from scratch with Cortech’s personal Modular System. Distorted Kicks, boast an analogue and digital processing chain. FM kicks were created with FM synthesis in a digital way. Sharp and heavy transients are also suitable for layering kicks. Processed kicks were made with analog & digital saturation and finally, layering tool box, sub, mid and transient tools are included to design your own kick drum sound.
