Trap Kits Vol 1 是 5 个 Trap 构建套件的集合,部分灵感来自当前的嘻哈图表。您将可以访问用于制作这些节拍的每个文件:所有鼓声、鼓循环、合成循环、MIDI 和预设。最重要的是,每个节拍都有一个 Ableton Live 项目文件,因此您将准确地看到所有内容是如何安排、混合和掌握的。所有这些声音都是 100% 免版税的,因此您可以在几分钟内制作出一些新的热量。拿起您的 Trap Kits Vol 1 副本,立即开始制作您的下一个节拍!
Trap Kits Vol 1 is a collection of 5 trap construction kits, partly inspired by current hip hop charts. You’ll get access to every single file used to make these beats: All of the drum shots, drum loops, synth loops, MIDIs & presets. On top of that there is a Ableton Live project file for every beat included, so you’ll see exactly how everything is arranged, mixed and mastered. All of these sounds are 100% royalty-free so you’ll be able to cook up some new heat in minutes. Grab your copy of Trap Kits Vol 1 and start to produce your next beat right now!