'先生。 Timbo & Mr. Carter’ 包含 10 个重击手的建筑套件,所有这些套件都融入了 Timbaland 和 Jay Z 喜欢将其融入他们的曲目中的现场民族鼓。包括 WAV 和 MIDI 格式。这些包含定制设计合成器、专业制作的鼓编程和朗朗上口的旋律的构建套件会激发您的灵感。混合和匹配循环以创造大量新的音乐创意。
‘Mr. Timbo & Mr. Carter’ contains 10 hard hitting Construction Kits all infused with the live ethnic drums that Timbaland and Jay Z love to incorporate into their tracks. Includes WAV and MIDI formats. You will be inspired by these Construction Kits containing custom designed synths, expert crafted drum programming and catchy melodies. Mix & match loops to create tons of new music ideas.