Anatolian Mey WAV-FANTASTiC

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“Anatolian Mey”包含专业演奏和录制的旋律,随时准备将您的音乐体验提升到一个新的水平! Mey是土 […]



“Anatolian Mey”包含专业演奏和录制的旋律,随时准备将您的音乐体验提升到一个新的水平! Mey是土耳其民族管风乐器,管身为卡瓦尔式,由主体、簧片和握把三部分组成。夹子安装在簧片的末端,可以在簧片上上下推动,从而通过在声音中提供一个音符变化来实现调音。它共有八个旋律键,上面七个,下面一个。详细预计会找到 557 MB 的原始内容,其中包含 90 个以 90/110/130 BPM 播放的精美 Mey 循环,包括干式版本(没有任何额外的 e.q、压缩器或混响效果)和湿式版本,总共180 个文件。所有循环都标有 Key 和 tempo 以便于使用。所有声音都准备好直接适合您的曲目。
‘Anatolian Mey’ contains professionally played and recorded melodies ready to take your musical experience to the next level! The Mey is a Turkish folk instrument of the wind type with a kaval type body which consists of three parts: the main body, the reed and the grip. The clips mounted to the end of the reed and can be pushed up and down on the reed and thus enabling tuning by providing one note variation in the sound. It has a total of eight melody keys with seven on top and one underneath. In detail expect to find 557 MB of raw content featuring 90 beautifully played Mey loops at 90/110/130 BPM and includes a dry version (w/o any additional e.q, compressor or reverb effects) and wet version of each, giving a total of 180 files. All loops are Key and tempo labeled for ease of use. All sounds are ready to fit straight in your tracks.
