Azerbaijani Tar WAV-FANTASTiC

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“Azerbaijani Tar”包含专业演奏和录制的旋律,让您可以发现 Tar 的独特声音。 Tar 是一种 […]



“Azerbaijani Tar”包含专业演奏和录制的旋律,让您可以发现 Tar 的独特声音。 Tar 是一种用拨片演奏的土耳其民间乐器,在阿塞拜疆、伊朗、乌兹别克斯坦和格鲁吉亚也普遍使用。它的身体由两个大小不一的碗组成,一般由桑树制成。 g?güs 部分覆盖着取自水牛或牛心脏的膜。树液部分来自硬木,鱼线间距系在上面。 tar 上有两组主要的字符串。第一组用于演奏曲调,由三组两根弦组成。另一组琴弦称为 K?k 和 Zengi,根据要使用的模式进行调音并增强音调。
‘Azerbaijani Tar’ contains professionally played and recorded melodies ready to allow you to discover the unique sounds of Tar. The Tar is a Turkish folk instrument played with a plectrum which is also commonly used in Azerbaijan, Iran, Uzbekistan and Georgia. Its body is composed of two bowls of different size and is generally made from mulberry trees. The g?güs section is covered with a membrane taken from the heart of water buffaloes or cattle. Sap section is from hard wood and fish line pitches are tied onto it. There are two main groups of strings on tar. Those in the first group are used in playing the tune and consists of three groups of two strings. The other group of strings are called K?k and Zengi, and are tuned according to the mode to be used and enhance the tone.
