“印度流行经典声乐即兴创作 以当代印度流行/经典风格为您带来 90 首带有和不带有歌词的即兴旋律声乐。这些新鲜录制的声乐作品可以创造性地用于各种类型的音乐,包括流行、融合、混音、实验、电影和世界音乐等……这些新鲜录制的声乐作品可以创造性地用于各种类型的音乐,包括流行、融合、实验,电影和世界。此示例包包括 90 个 WAV 文件,G 为 90 BPM,干燥,没有 FX。 “印度流行经典声乐即兴创作”是 100% 免版税的。
“Indian Pop Classic Vocal Improvisation brings you 90 Vocal pieces of improvised melodies with and without Lyrics in contemporary Indian Pop/Classic style. These freshly recorded vocal pieces can be creatively used in various genres of music including Pop, Fusion, Remix, Experimental, Cinematic and World Music etc… These freshly-recorded vocal pieces can be creatively used in various genres of music including Pop, Fusion, Experimental, Cinematic and World. This sample pack includes 90 WAV files at 90 BPM in G, which come dry, without FX. ‘Indian Pop Classic Vocal Improvisation’ is 100% Royalty-Frees.