Drum Studio WAV-DiSCOVER

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欢迎来到“Drum Studio”,这是一系列风格多样的现场和电子鼓循环。超过 400 个循环可直接放入您的作 […]



欢迎来到“Drum Studio”,这是一系列风格多样的现场和电子鼓循环。超过 400 个循环可直接放入您的作品中,这个包是一个完美的创意起点,也是您完成曲目所需的难以捉摸的节奏的新首选库。拥有包括 60 年代、70 年代和 80 年代摇滚、朋克、金属、爵士、放克、冲浪、夏威夷和电子风格(如 Glitch、Industrial、Dubstep 和 Hip Hop)在内的各种流派,我们为您提供了工作室质量的介绍, outros,变化和填充,会让你回来更多。今天就进入“鼓工作室”,它肯定比雇用一个会话火柴人更好!
Welcome to ‘Drum Studio’, a collection of live and electronic drum loops in a variety of styles. With over 400 loops ready to drop straight into your productions, this pack serves as a perfect creative starting point and your new go-to library for that elusive rhythm you need to help finish off a track. Featuring a variety of genres including 60s, 70s and 80s Rock, Punk, Metal, Jazz, Funk, Surf, Hawaiian and electronic styles such as Glitch, Industrial, Dubstep and Hip Hop, we’ve got you covered with studio-quality intros, outros, variations and fills that’ll keep you coming back for more. Drop into the ‘Drum Studio’ today, it sure beats hiring a session sticksman!
