Trap 音乐不会很快过时,但是为了从其他音乐中脱颖而出,你需要一个创造性的优势。这就是 GLITCH GLITCH TRAP 的用武之地!使用 100% 原始的 VOX 旋律和故障 808 循环让您的 Trap 节拍着火。收听演示,了解您的音乐作品的新想法,并享受创作的乐趣!
Trap music isn’t going out of style any time soon BUT in order to stand out from the rest you need a creative advantage. That’s where GLITCH GLITCH TRAP comes in! Set your Trap beats on fire with 100% ORIGINAL mangled VOX melodies and glitchy 808 loops. Listen to the demo to hear fresh ideas for your music productions and have fun creating!