寻找清晰丰富的 Glitch、FX 和 Texture 声音来照亮您的 Techno 或 Tech-House 制作? <i>解决故障! </i>在这款优质的 Drumkit 中,您会发现大量令人讨厌的、闪烁的或黑暗的循环和声音片段。 这个包的创造者不亚于德国制作人 <b>Daniel Mehlhart</b>。 Daniel 发布最先进的音频作品已有 10 多年的历史,并且还忙于声音设计。在他的作品中,你总是会发现他的节拍中添加了令人毛骨悚然的音效,这使得他的曲目如此有趣。 所有包含的声音都是<b>自行录制</b>并在后期制作中精心<b>手工制作</b>。 <i>这些声音肯定会将您的作品提升到专业级别。</i>
looked for sharp and rich sounding Glitch, FX and Texture sounds to brighten up your Techno or Tech-House production? Get glitch slapped! In this premium quality Drumkit you’ll find loads of nasty, shimmering or dark sounding loops and soundbits. Creator of this pack is no less than German producer Daniel Mehlhart. Daniel is releasing state of the art audio productions for more than 10 years and is also busy in sound designing. In his productions you always find glitchy sound effects added to his beats which make his tracks so interessting. All included sounds are self recorded and carefully handcrafted in post production. These sounds will surely boost your production to Pro-Level.