Glitch Vocals Vol.2 WAV-AUDIOSTRiKE

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我们展示了我们的样本包“Glitch Vocals”的第 2 卷,其中包含元音、故障和 Vox Cut 的大集 […]



我们展示了我们的样本包“Glitch Vocals”的第 2 卷,其中包含元音、故障和 Vox Cut 的大集合。故障声乐卷。 2,特别受到Tech House和Techno的新趋势的启发。对于所有的好节奏爱好者来说,不能错过这个令人难以置信的声音和故障包。此外,我们还包括 38 个 Drums Loops、Bass Loops 和 Music Loops 的 Bonus Loops。
We present Volume 2 of our sample pack ‘Glitch Vocals’ Big collection of Vowel, Glitches and Vox Cut. Glitch Vocals Vol. 2, is specially inspired by the new trend of Tech House and Techno. For all lovers of good groove, can not pass up this incredible package of voice and Glitches. In addition we include 38 Bonus Loops of Drums Loops, Bass Loops and Music Loops.
