Granular Toppers WAV-SYNTHiC4TE

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<strong>砂砾。粮食。槽。特点。质地。移动。毛刺。紧缩。奇怪的。意外。原来的。 </s […]



<strong>砂砾。粮食。槽。特点。质地。移动。毛刺。紧缩。奇怪的。意外。原来的。 </strong>Granular Toppers 是制作人的理想伴侣,他们正在寻找快速灵感和临时样品,为他们的项目带来即时的 grove。隐藏在每个 8 小节循环中的是声音设计法力的宝库,等待以您的想象力允许的任何方式重新利用。从直截了当的基本元素到怪异和狂野,这些顶级元素可以用于如此广泛的类型,以至于很难给它们贴上标签。我们从创建基于打击乐的坚固顶盖开始,然后以各种方式在细粒度级别上精心拆除它们,以实现真正独特的元素,您可以使用这些元素将您的节拍带入生活。
Grit. Grain. Groove. Character. Texture. Movement. Glitch. Crunch. Odd. Unexpected. Original. Granular Toppers is an ideal companion for producers looking for quick inspiration and drop-in samples to bring instant grove to their projects. Hidden inside each 8 bar loop is a treasure trove of sound design mana just waiting to be re-purposed in whatever ways your imagination allows. From straight forward rudimentary elements, to weird and wild, these toppers can be used in such a wide range of genres that it’s hard to put a label on them. We began by creating solid percussion-based toppers and then meticulously dismantled them on a granular level in various ways to achieve truly unique elements that you can use to bring your beats to life.

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