Sparks Glitch Drum Samples WAV-DiSCOVER

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雄伟地在天空中飞舞,一百个同时爆发的绚丽色彩在它们的身后留下阴燃的痕迹——准备点燃下一个导火索,并发送我们最新 […]



雄伟地在天空中飞舞,一百个同时爆发的绚丽色彩在它们的身后留下阴燃的痕迹——准备点燃下一个导火索,并发送我们最新版本的火花——故障鼓样本,直接咆哮到您的音乐作品中!在 465 个起泡鼓样本的重量下颤抖,这个声音包充满了起泡的打击乐,并注入了闪烁的高音处理故障、尖锐的瞬态设计和危险的深沉低音。 这个免版税的鼓库结合了模拟电路、独特的声源和尖端的声音处理和设计的精确平衡,拥有经典硬件熟悉的温暖,同时将这种螺旋式旋转到令人兴奋的脆脆、水晶般的声音领域。
Arcing majestically through the skies, a hundred simultaneous explosions of brilliant colour leave smouldering trails in their wake – prepare to light the next fuse and send our latest release, Sparks – Glitch Drum Samples, roaring straight into your music productions! Shuddering under the weight of 465 blistering drum samples, this sound pack is crammed full of blistering percussion fury infused with the sparkling treble of glitched processing, sharp transient design and the pounding of dangerously deep sub bass.  Incorporating a finely judged balance of analog circuitry, unique found sound sources and cutting edge sound processing and design, this royalty-free drum library possesses the familiar warmth of classic hardware, yet sends this spiralling into excitingly crunchy, crystalline sonic territory.
