Frozen Chill WAV

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“Frozen Chill”为您提供了广泛的材料,并包含创造令人惊叹的环境音乐所需的所有元素。在这个令人惊叹的 […]



“Frozen Chill”为您提供了广泛的材料,并包含创造令人惊叹的环境音乐所需的所有元素。在这个令人惊叹的样本包中,您会发现郁郁葱葱的不断变化的垫子、梦幻而冰冷的纹理、华丽的旋律、颗粒感的破碎节拍、黑暗而深沉的贝斯线、平静的序列、优雅而柔滑的钢琴、朗朗上口的鼓声、抽象的打击乐、丰富的氛围和现场录音和更多。所有声音都被组织到文件夹中以便于访问,并且可以在您的作品中使用。所有循环和样本都标记为键和速度以实现完全的灵活性,因此您可以根据需要以多种方式使用这些样本。 “Frozen Chill”非常适合 Ambient、Chillout、Downtempo、Electronica、Future Garage 和 Experimental 以及其他风格的电子音乐,如 New Age、Chillwave、Liquid Dubstep、Cinematic 等。所有这些声音也非常适用于多媒体制作,例如电影、电视、声音设计、纪录片、游戏等。如果您正在寻找一些感性的灵感,那么这个适合您。
‘Frozen Chill’ offers you a broad spectrum of materials and containing all the elements needed to create breathtaking ambient music. Inside this stunning sample pack you’ll find lush evolving pads, dreamy and chilled textures, sumptuous melodies, grainy broken beats, dark and deep basslines, calming sequences, elegant and silky pianos, catchy drum hits, abstract percussions, rich ambience and field recordings and more. All sounds are organised into folders for easy access and can be used in your productions. All loops & samples are key and tempo labelled for full flexibility, so you can use these samples in as many ways as you desire. ‘Frozen Chill’ is perfect for Ambient, Chillout, Downtempo, Electronica, Future Garage and Experimental as well as other styles of Electronic music such as New Age, Chillwave, Liquid Dubstep, Cinematic and beyond. All these sounds are also highly useable for multimedia productions such as films, TV, sound design, documentaries, games and more. If you are looking for some sentimental inspiration then this one’s for you.
