Liquid DnB Vol.01 WAV-FANTASTiC

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“Liquid DNB Vol 01”包含一些很棒的样本,可将您的新液体曲调提升到新的高度。无论您是开始一首新 […]



“Liquid DNB Vol 01”包含一些很棒的样本,可将您的新液体曲调提升到新的高度。无论您是开始一首新曲目,还是只是需要出色的样本来将您的曲调带到下一个阶段,这个包都充满了精心手工制作的乐趣,包括鼓点和循环、贝司、钢琴、吉他和 FX 扫描。该包以 10 个曲目入门创意的形式呈现,但您可以获取这些示例并用它们做您想做的事情。翻转它们,处理它们并在需要时使用它们来填补空白,这里有很多多功能性。所有样品都是 100% 免版税的。
‘Liquid DNB Vol 01’ features some great samples to take your new liquid tunes to new heights. Whether you are starting a new track or just needing great samples to take your tune to the next stage, this pack is full of carefully handcrafted delights in the form of drum hits and loops, basses, pianos, guitars and FX sweeps. This pack is presented as 10 track starter ideas, but you can take these samples and do what you want with them. Flip them, process them and use them to fill in the gaps if needed, there is a lot of versatility here. All samples are 100% Royalty-Free.
