Liquid Funk DnB Vol.2 WAV

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<b>“Liquid Funk DnB Vol 2”为您带来了一系列罕见的即时可用循环和样本,它们 […]



<b>“Liquid Funk DnB Vol 2”为您带来了一系列罕见的即时可用循环和样本,它们将与您的作品完美融合。 </b>这个天鹅绒般的样本包结合了 Funk 和 Liquid DnB 的所有元素,从郁郁葱葱的和弦进行到深沉温暖的低音,从震撼人心的鼓循环到高耸的垫子,从 Funky 凹槽到平滑的旋律,从滚动节拍到清脆的鼓声,对颤动的合成器镜头、令人惊叹的 FX 等等的打击乐。从头开始制作完整曲目或修饰现有作品所需的一切都在此包中。 “Liquid Funk DnB Vol 2”适用于 DnB、Liquid Funk、Jungle、Breakbeat、Dubstep、Ambient 等。如果您希望在那条线路中有声音,那么这个包适合您。
‘Liquid Funk DnB Vol 2’ brings you a rare collection of instantly usable loops and samples that will blend perfectly with your production. This velvety sample pack combining all the elements of Funk and Liquid DnB, from lush chord progressions to deep and warm bass, chest-pounding drum loops to soaring pads, Funky grooves to smooth melodies, rolling beats to crisp drum hits, Funked-out percussions to fluttering synth shots, amazing FX and more. Everything you need to produce complete tracks from the ground up or embellish your existing productions is in this pack. ‘Liquid Funk DnB Vol 2’ is suitable for DnB, Liquid Funk, Jungle, Breakbeat, Dubstep, Ambient and more. If you’re looking to have sounds in that line then this pack is for you.
