摩城歌手/词曲作者凯文罗斯介绍了他标志性的声乐样本集,融合了丰富的和声、丰富的主音和即兴演奏。包含大量清晰的beatbox one shot,将为您的曲目带来大量的能量和真实感。 多年来,Ross 的签名是与 Maxwell、Ne-Yo 和 Ro James 等人一起巡演而发展起来的。 2017 年初,他以自己的头条巡演服务他的粉丝,最近他被提名为灵魂列车和全国有色人种协进会奖的最佳新艺术家。无论您是创作 R&B、Pop、Trap 还是完全不同的东西,这些丰富的人声都为您提供了完美的开始,但同样可以很好地为最新的地板填充物添加画龙点睛的效果!
Motown singer/songwriter Kevin Ross introduces his signature vocal sample collection, a fusion of lush harmonies, rich leads & adlibs. Contains a load of crisp beatbox one shots, that will bring a hefty scoop of energy and realism to you track. Ross’ signature has been developed over the years from touring with the likes of Maxwell, Ne-Yo and Ro James. Serving his fans with his own headlining tour in early 2017, he has most recently been nominated for best new artist for the Soul Train and NAACP awards. Whether you creating R&B, Pop, Trap or something completely different, these rich vocals provide the perfect building blocks to get you started, but equally work well to add the finishing touches to the latest floor filler!