Motown Sound 是一个建筑套件,保证能满足蚂蚁音乐爱好者的兴趣。这些套件完美融合了经典嘻哈、新时代陷阱音乐和老式风格。这款 OVO 灵感套件将带您去任何您的音乐耳朵想去的地方!这种声音融合了 Rick Ross、Drake 和 Wiz Khalifa 等艺术家的风格和感觉。
That Motown Sound is a construction kit guaranteed to tickle the fancy of ant music lover. These kits provide the perfect blend of classic hip hop, new age trap music with an old school feel. This OVO inspired kits will take you anywhere your musical ear wants to go! This sound incorporates the style and feel of artists such as Rick Ross, Drake, and Wiz Khalifa.