“Moombah”的灵感来自于 Dillon Francis、Munchi、Diplo 等人的声音。该工具包包含一系列受 Moombahton 启发的定制样本,非常适合希望为其作品增加火力的制作人。 MOOMBAH 由 7 个精心制作的歌曲启动器组成,每个文件夹都包含人声样本和热门歌曲,以及创建深沉而肮脏的贝斯线、催眠旋律、重击鼓和疯狂 FX 所需的工具,与您最喜欢的制作人和 DJ 竞争.这个强大的样本包适用于??所有受 EDM 启发的流派,而不仅仅是 Moombahton 风格。它挤满了优质内容,准备制作适合节日、俱乐部和派对的地板填充物。
‘Moombah’ is inspired by the sounds of Dillon Francis, Munchi, Diplo and more. This toolkit features a bespoke collection of Moombahton inspired samples, perfect for producers looking to add some firepower to their productions. MOOMBAH is composed of 7 carefully crafted songstarters, with each folder featuring vocal samples & hits as well as the tools you need to create deep and dirty basslines, hypnotic melodies, hard-hitting drums, and insane FX that compete with your favourite producers and DJs. This hard-hitting sample pack is suitable for the entire array of EDM inspired genres, not just the Moombahton style. It’s jam-packed with premium content, ready to make floor fillers that will rock festivals, clubs and parties alike.