Neuro House WAV-DiSCOVER

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“Neuro House”是 Neurofunk、Underground House 和 Electro Ho […]



“Neuro House”是 Neurofunk、Underground House 和 Electro House 流派的新鲜、独特的混搭。这些样本是有创意的、<strong>原始的</strong>、<strong>肮脏的</strong>、<strong>时髦的</strong>、<strong>uber</strong>-<strong>处理过的</strong>、 <strong>夸张</strong>、<strong>扭曲</strong>、<strong>过滤</strong>、<strong>地下</strong>、<strong>坚韧不拔</strong>和<strong>鼓舞人心< /强>。以 128 BPM 的统一节奏和 Fmin 键提供,此包易于使用且用途广泛。无需无休止地在样本文件夹中搜索可以协同工作的声音,您将拥有大量可以协同工作的样本和循环。这个包是专为喜欢切割、调整和重新安排循环和样本的制作人设计的。想要通过最疯狂的声音获得真正的创意?深入“Combo Loops”文件夹以获得终极混乱。旋律循环被切碎、调整和重新采样,变成彻头彻尾的口吃-过滤-放克混沌。作为特别奖励,包括来自样本包“EDM Remedy”和“Straight 128”的所有 340 个鼓声单发。
‘Neuro House’ is a fresh, unique mash-up of Neurofunk, Underground House and Electro House genres. These samples are creative, raw, filthy, funky, uberprocessed, bombastic, warped, filtered, underground, gritty and inspiring. Supplied in a uniform tempo of 128 BPM and key of Fmin, this pack is easy to use and versatile. Instead of endlessly searching your sample folders for sounds that work together, you’ll have a good variety of samples and loops that are meant to work together. This pack is specifcally designed for producers who love to chop, tweak and re-arrange loops and samples. Looking to get really creative with the craziest sounds? Dig into the ‘Combo Loops’ folder for ultimate mayhem. There are chopped, tweaked and resampled the melodic loops into downright stutter-filter-funk chaos. As a special bonus, included are all 340 drum sound one-shots from the sample packs ‘EDM Remedy’ and ‘Straight 128’.

下一篇: Neurofunk ELASTiK