Deep House Drum Loops 2 WAV-MAGNETRiXX

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Deep House Drums Loops 2 是 326 个鼓循环和鼓点,可以真正帮助激发您的作品的活力。 […]



Deep House Drums Loops 2 是 326 个鼓循环和鼓点,可以真正帮助激发您的作品的活力。有 210 个凹槽填充鼓环,包括顶部、剥离和打击乐变体。 样本包中还包括 126 个鼓点,可让您从头开始创建您的循环。 这分为 24 拍、25 踩镲、26 踢、27 打击乐和 24 圈套。 Deep House Drum Loops 2 完美地提供了制作 tech house、house、deep house 和 deep tech 所需的一切。 我们非常有信心,这个 deep house 样本包是让您的轨道开槽所需的一切。现在所需要的只是一些贝斯和音乐元素,所以为什么不试试我们的 deep house 样本包之一。
Deep House Drums Loops 2 is 326 drum loops and drum hits that can really help spark your productions to life. There are 210 groove filled drum loops with top, stripped and percussion variants.  Also included in the sample pack are 126 drum hits that allow your to create your on loops from scratch.  Thats broken down into 24 Claps, 25 Hi-hats, 26 Kicks, 27 Percussion Hits and 24 Snares. Deep House Drum Loops 2 perfectly provides everything you need to produce tech house, house, deep house and deep tech.  We are very confident that this deep house sample pack is everything you will require to get your tracks grooving. All that is needed now are some bass and music elements so why not try one of our deep house sample packs.
