Nu Disco House 正在兴起,我们将通过这个新的样品包直接将您带到它的顶端!探索超过 2,400 种丰富而宽广的模拟贝司线、丰富的垫子、切割的主音、清脆的钢琴、高音的人声、强大的鼓、活泼的小军鼓、拍手、现场录制的康加乐循环和吉他。 Nu Disco 还包括一系列令人难以置信的 uplifters、downlifters、impact hits、经典合成器 stabs、funky fills 和 kick-free hi-hat 和打击乐循环——所有这些都经过完美的修剪和混合,提供 120 bpm 和 122 bpm。所有底鼓、合成器和效果器的文件名中也都有音调键,整个包组织得很好,因此您可以轻松找到当下所需的确切声音。这是每个现代 House 制作人的必备品!
Nu Disco House is on the rise, and we’re sending you straight to the top of it with this new samplepack! Explore more than 2,400 rich and wide analog basslines, lush pads, cutting leads, crisp pianos, pitched vocals, powerful drums, snappy snares, hand claps, live-recorded conga loops, and guitars. Nu Disco also includes an incredible array of uplifters, downlifters, impact hits, classic synth stabs, funky fills, and kick-free hi-hat and percussion loops – all perfectly trimmed and mixed, and available at both 120 bpm and 122 bpm. All kicks, synths, and effects also have the tonal key written in the filename, and the entire pack is perfectly organized so you can easily find the exact sound you need in the moment. This is a must-have for every modern House producer!