从我们这里获取:如果您是 DJ,并且想要对您的设置产生影响,请不要忘记将 Future Sound Of Deep House Vol 1 循环加载到您的 DJ 软件设置中。有了这个新的声音包,您将有足够独特的声音在您的会议最重要的几分钟内娱乐您的舞池。只需将循环拖到 Sample Deck 即可..!!!
Take it from us: If you’re a DJ and you want to make an impact with your set, do not forget to load up the Future Sound Of Deep House Vol 1 loops into your DJ Software setup. With this new sound-pack you will have enough unique sounds to entertain your dance floor during the most important minutes of your session. Simply drag the loops to the Sample Decks..!!!