Iron Scores WAV-DiSCOVER

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骑上马,陶醉在战斗的蹄子冲击中!在静谧而露水的森林中漫步,不要迷路。拉回丝绸,揭开一个充满神秘乐趣的秘密世界。 […]



Knight up and revel in the hoof-pounding excitement of battle! Wander, not lost, through still and dewy forests. Draw back the silks to uncover a secret world of mystical pleasures. No matter what kind of royal adventure awaits you, enter here to build the perfect orchestral soundtrack with ‘Iron Scores’. This Royalty-Free collection of audio loops and Construction Kits brings cinematic clash to fight scenes and a powdered softness to love scenes. Soaring strings and thunderous percussion allow your audience to taste the feast and fear the famine, all the while being cloaked in awe. Turn your stories into sagas with the magic that is music. Mount your steed nigh and raise your crown to epic!
