Jumpscares WAV-FANTASTiC

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我们很自豪地推出“Jumpscares”——一个紧凑的库包含 227MB 的内容,其中包含 41 种令人毛骨悚 […]



我们很自豪地推出“Jumpscares”——一个紧凑的库包含 227MB 的内容,其中包含 41 种令人毛骨悚然的音效,包括沉重的跳跃恐慌、极度震惊、令人不安和嘎嘎作响的金属打击、任意管弦乐刺伤、令人毛骨悚然的砰砰声、令人毛骨悚然的毒刺、可怕的撞击和猛击这肯定会帮助你让你的听众从椅子上跳起来。文件夹中的每个声音都以 24 位 / 192 kHz 录制,以行业标准的 24 位 / 96 kHz 设计和交付,以确保满足当今电影制作需求的最高质量。 “Jumpscares”非常适合后期制作、游戏音频、电影、纪录片、广告或任何需要高清音效的电影项目。包含的声音/关键词:Jumpscare、Shockers、Extremes、Impacts、Hits、Slams、Stingers、Aleatoric、Orchestral、Stabs、Metal、Ping、Horror、Cinematic、Game Audio、Trailer
We are proud to present “Jumpscares” – a compact library contains 227MB of content featuring 41 hair-raising sound effects including heavy jump scares, extreme shockers, disturbing and rattling metal hits, aleatoric orchestral stabs, creepy pings, eerie stingers horrific impacts and slams that will definitely help you to make your audience jump out of the chair. Every sound in the folder recorded at 24bit / 192kHz, designed and delivered in industry-standard 24bit / 96kHz to ensure the highest quality for today’s cinematic production needs. “Jumpscares” is perfectly suited to post production, game audio, movies, documentaries, advertising, or any kind of cinematic projects requiring high definition sound effects. Included sounds / Keywords: Jumpscare, Shockers, Extremes, Impacts, Hits, Slams, Stingers, Aleatoric, Orchestral, Stabs, Metal, Ping, Horror, Cinematic, Game Audio, Trailer

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