Orchestral Elements WAV-AUDIOSTRiKE

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杂乱无章的合奏、郁郁葱葱的管弦乐队、弦乐部分、铜管乐器等等,包含 210 多个免版税乐句、独奏和前奏,可用于嘻 […]



杂乱无章的合奏、郁郁葱葱的管弦乐队、弦乐部分、铜管乐器等等,包含 210 多个免版税乐句、独奏和前奏,可用于嘻哈、DnB、慢节奏、经典甚至家庭制作。前磁带、前乙烯基和前留声机、圆柱体是托马斯爱迪生创造的原始记录介质。该系列具有独特的管弦乐元素选择。在 316MB 的原始材料中提供了 212 个剪辑,分为黄铜、竖琴、前奏、外奏、混合元素、管弦乐、弦乐和木管乐器等文件夹。该演示展示了一小部分剪辑。
Scratchy ensembles, lush orchestras, string sections, brass and more, featuring 210+ royalty-free phrases, solos and intros that will find use in hip hop, DnB, downtempo, classic and even house productions. Pre tape, pre vinyl, and pre gramophone, cylinders were the original recording medium created by Thomas Edison. This collection features a unique selection of orchestral elements. 212 clips are offered across 316MB of original material, broken into folders such as Brass, Harp, Intros, Outros, mixed Elements, Orchestral, Strings and Woodwinds. The demo showcases a small selection of clips.
