Sakura Soul WAV-DiSCOVER

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Sakura Soul – 一系列令人惊叹的旋律和管弦乐嘻哈样本和录音,灵感来自广受好评的日本制作人和音乐家。 […]



Sakura Soul – 一系列令人惊叹的旋律和管弦乐嘻哈样本和录音,灵感来自广受好评的日本制作人和音乐家。与英国大提琴家 Harry Robinson 合作创建的样本包包含超过 600 mb 的老式嘻哈鼓、丰富而富有表现力的弦乐、音轨就绪的歌曲开头和旋律钢琴循环。详细地,您可以找到管弦乐和大提琴循环以及它们各自的茎,完整的歌曲循环准备循环,切碎和铺设小节,采样循环为您的歌曲,钢琴和键的分解或桥段添加额外的味道循环来激发您的想象力和各种不同的鼓一击录音和循环。如果您想为您的嘻哈录音添加旋律和遥远的声音,那么只要 sakura soul 就可以了。 Sakura Soul 充满了 100% 免版税循环,这些循环经过专业的键标记、速度同步和完美混合,易于使用。所有声音均以 24 位 WAV 格式提供。
Sakura Soul – A stunning collection of melodic and orchestral hip hop samples and recordings inspired by critically acclaimed Japanese producers and musicians. Created in collaboration with British cellist Harry Robinson, the sample pack contains over 600mb of vintage hip hop drums, lush and expressive strings, track ready song starters and melodic piano loops. In detail you can expect to find orchestral string and cello loops and their individual stems, full song loops ready for looping, chopping up and laying bars over, sampled loops to add extra flavour to the breakdown or bridge section of your song, piano and key loops to spark your imagination and a variety of different drum one shot recordings and loops. If you are looking to add a melodic and far away sound to your hip hop recordings then look no further than sakura soul. Sakura Soul is filled to the brim with 100% royalty-free loops that are expertly key tagged, tempo synced and mixed to perfection for ease of use. All sounds are provided in 24-bit WAV format.
